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So Glad

to Meet You!


Art is never something to be “done”,,,

rather, it is always a place to go. And where is that place? For me, it is a peaceful, focused spot inside my head that is most often found when exploring and contemplating all the moves that are possible when I hold a paintbrush in hand. What color goes here? What does this need? What would make this better? Each decision seems momentous and each decision feels like a great responsibility. At times like these, the world seems far away. And, in the end, a painting is revealed that looks like it had always meant to be. There is a joy to see hard work rewarded. Every time. Then, I can begin the process all over again.

I'm proud to say I'm largely a self-taught artist. One of my first memories is sitting on my back porch in Wisconsin with my dad giving me my first art lessons in my coloring books. Shadow it this way, color outside the lines, create negative space, bend the lines just so. We would always compare my work to that of Auguste Renoir. Standards were high, even then.

Today, I'm a retired school teacher who spends her days engaged in the world of art here in San Diego. I live with my husband and we have a grown son, our pride and joy. I am frantically trying to catch up with the world of high tech (as you can tell by this website). Since retiring two years ago, I've taken online classes, participated in some outstanding art workshops and retreats, created a growing body of work, successfully sold my art at a variety of shows, and now have my own studio in Liberty Station. I am in awe of the talent that surrounds me. I am equally impressed with the talent of my growing network of online artist friends. There is no end to inspiration!


Self-Portrait -

A mixed-media painting including paint, drywall tape, magazine clippings, pencil, pen, crayon wrappers, and crayon - lots of crayon, melted and otherwise.

My passion for art was apparent at an early age. The first time I got in trouble in school was in first grade. My mother was called in for a conference with my teacher, Mrs. Dahl, when she discovered I had been hoarding crayons in my desk. She discovered 17 boxes of largely unused Crayolas hiding there when there was no room for my books inside. I discovered that if I saved my 5 cents a day milk money, by the end of the week I would have 25 cents…just enough to buy a box of crayons on supply day. I mean, who could resist those glorious colors, the sharp points, the unpeeled paper, and that smell of waxy crayon wafting in the air? As my penance, I was forbidden to order anything else on supply day for the rest of the year. In my opinion, I should have received an award for Best Mathematician.
